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Serving as a support for students and postdocs is key to fulfilling the academic mission of the Graduate School. We appreciate all of the measures that our faculty and staff partners take to interact, engage, and develop students and postdocs. The Graduate School central team is here to support you; below are some resources that will be helpful in your administrative roles.
If you would like to request data from the Office of Data and Strategic Analytics (DSA), please submit your request to be reviewed by the Executive Director of Operations in the Graduate School. Approved requests will then be routed to DSA for processing.
YES is the primary academic records and registration portal for Vanderbilt University. Faculty use YES to manage courses, transfer credits, communicate securely with students, assign grades, etc. Teaching faculty that need to change grades given to a student should use the Grade Change Guide for complete instructions on the process in YES.
Student care is a team-based approach, and students can utilize as many resources as needed to receive support. Confidential information is not shared between resources unless approved by the student to assist in the processes. Faculty, staff, students, community members, and family members can report their concerns pertaining to the personal, physical, or emotional wellbeing of a student using the Student of Concern Form. This form is not designed to be an emergency response notification. Information on resources for students needing immediate assistance can be found on the Student Care Network website.