2023 June Graduate Student Spotlights

Every month, The Graduate School shines a spotlight on various graduate students for their hard work and dedication to their scholarly works, research, and community engagement.  We want to shine a spotlight on the following Graduate Students:

Kat Turk, Ph.D. Geology/Earth Science – Received the 2023-2024 Fulbright Study/Research award to Germany and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst research grant. Read more about these awards here.



Nicole Moehring, Ph.D. Materials Science – Has been selected for an extended residency to continue her doctoral research at the Savannah River National Laboratory. Read more about this program and her research here.



Emma Achola, Ph.D. Health Policy – Received a prestigious internship at the Center for Program Integrity within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.



Nana Addo Padi-Adjrackor, Ph.D. Health Policy – Also received a prestigious internship at Humana.

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