2023 March Student Spotlights

The Graduate School would like to shine the spotlight on the following students:

Chris Tasich – has been selected as a finalist for the Presidential Management Fellows Program, which is a very competitive federal program with 8.5% of applicants selected. Chris also served as president and treasurer of GSC in 17-18 and 18-19.



Heather Bradford – was accepted as an editorial Fellow for The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. She also had a publication accepted called “Management of Bipolar Disorder During the Perinatal Period”.



Amy Campbell – had three of the following poster presentations accepted at national conferences:

  • The Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting accepted her poster presentation “Caregiver Experiences of Feeding Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study” with Dr. Julie Barroso
  • The Western Institute for Nursing Annual Meeting accepted her poster presentation “Feeding Dysregulation on Breastfeeding Duration and Later Autism Diagnosis” with Dr. Mogos and”Feeding Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers Diagnosed with Autism: A Systematic Review” with Dr. Sharon Karp.