April 2022: Graduate Student Spotlights

This month, we are celebrating the following Graduate School students for their achievements!

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Cassandra Schember- Cassandra, a doctoral student (’22) in Epidemiology, was selected as a Fellow for the Center for Disease Control & Prevention’s Epidemic Intelligence Service Class of 2022. Congratulations Cassandra!




Brayan Serratos– Brayan, a third year graduate student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, submitted one scholarly article to a prestigious peer reviewed journal, which was accepted and is awaiting publication. The article entitled, “La transculturación de las representaciones iconográficas en los manuscritos mexicanos: la reproducción del guerrero vencido a través de varios documentos precolombinos y textos coloniales.” He also received two university-wide awards (the University Campus Partner Award and the Russel G. Hamilton Graduate Leadership Institute Dissertation Enhancement Grant). Brayan received an honorable mention for a Ford Foundation Predissertation Fellowship and a Simon Collier Travel Award. Congratulations Brayan!

E6AA5B4E-73EA-40D8-B7F7-49B6E5A9E20C-Tyler-AnthonyTyler Anthony-Tyler, a PhD student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, received the Mellon Fellowship for the Digital Humanities award. Tyler spoke at UNC’s Conference for Romance Studies and at the Kentucky’s Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. He has also been asked to submit a scholarly article for the prestigious journal Romance Notes with Dr. Michelle Murray who is a professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Congratulations Tyler!