• Vanderbilt University

    2023 April Student Spotlights

    The Graduate School would like to shine a spotlight on the following graduate students! Adoma Manful, MPH – a second-year Epidemiology Ph.D. student, was one of 12 participants selected for the 2023 Society for Epidemiologic Research’s Student Workshop for her proposal entitled “Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening”.     … Read More

    Apr. 6, 2023

  • August 2022 Student Spotlights

    August 2022 Student Spotlights

    This month, we are celebrating the following Graduate School students for their achievements! Miguel Cuj, Ph.D. student in Anthropology – has been awarded the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. This will allow Miguel to do fieldwork regarding K’iche’ Maya women’s foldaways in Guatemala. Congratulations Miguel!     Mary… Read More

    Aug. 24, 2022

  • June 2022 Student Spotlights

    June 2022 Student Spotlights

    This month, we are celebrating the following Graduate School students for their achievements!        Stacy Jer; a third-year Ph.D. student in education – has been awarded the 2022 David L. Boren Fellowship to support the completion of her doctoral studies! Congratulations!       Diana… Read More

    Jun. 10, 2022